
10 musicisti Banda Musicale corteo orientali

Original price was: €4.000,00.Current price is: €3.600,00.

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Banda musicale

10 figure : testa in terracotta con occhi di vetro
mani  e piedi in legno
corpo snodabile in fil di ferro e canapa
lavorazione stile ‘700  Napoletano
scimmie in  terracotta con occhi di vetro
accessori in ottone
Fonte wikipedia : 
The Neapolitan nativity scene is a representation of the birth of Jesus traditionally set in eighteenth-century Naples. The art of Neapolitan nativity scenes has remained unchanged for centuries, becoming part of the most consolidated and followed Christmas traditions of the city. Famous in Naples, in fact, is the well-known street of nativity scenes (via San Gregorio Armeno) which offers a showcase of all the local craftsmanship regarding the nativity scene. Furthermore, there are numerous museums in the city and beyond (such as the museum of San Martino or the royal palace of Caserta) in which historical pieces or entire scenes set during the birth of Jesus are exhibited.
Capobanda  Adulto: 35 cm
bambini musicisti : 23/25 cm

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Weight 1 kg


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